How To Prepare For Inpatient Rehab | Tips & Tricks

Before entering rehab, you should inform your family members, loved ones, and your employer. You can also arrange how to pay your living costs. Preparing yourself mentally can be an important part of entering rehab as well.

If you are thinking about entering an inpatient or residential treatment program for a substance use disorder, you may feel nervous or unsure how to prepare. Inpatient rehab involves staying at a treatment center for multiple weeks at a time, which may require preparing beforehand.

Entering an inpatient alcohol or drug rehab program in Ohio can be the first step in your recovery process. Research shows that people who enter substance abuse treatment programs have more successful recovery outcomes than people who do not.

Telling your loved ones and employer about your upcoming treatment plan can give you peace of mind. 

Tell Your Family Members & Loved Ones

Telling your family members, loved ones, and close friends about your upcoming treatment plan can give you the support you may need.

Your loved ones and family members can help you get your obligations outside of rehab in order. Telling your family about rehab can also prepare them for family therapy sessions, if needed.

A solid support system outside of rehab can reduce your anxiety. Some Ohio rehab facilities may let you use cell phones in limited amounts. Others may have phone numbers that your loved ones can call at certain hours of the day.

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Tell Your Employer

If you have a job, you may need to tell your employer that you are entering an inpatient addiction treatment program.

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), your Ohio employer may not fire you for entering a rehab program. You may be eligible to use up to 12 weeks of medical leave per year to receive alcohol or drug addiction treatment services.

However, you may need to follow specific guidelines to keep your job under the FMLA. Additionally, some employers may not need to follow the FMLA. 

Knowing how the FMLA affects your job status before entering treatment can prepare you and your employer for your time in rehab.

Take Care Of Your Financial Obligations

If you enter a rehab program, you may still need to pay for your cost of living. Your rent, car payments, childcare, pet care, and other financial obligations may still require payment during your time in a drug or alcohol addiction recovery program.

You can set up advance payments or ask a trusted friend or family member to make these payments for you.

Financial obligations may include your health insurance and paying for treatment. You can confirm whether your insurance will cover your treatment cost, and how much you may need to pay out-of-pocket. Your treatment provider can also tell you about any available payment plans, if they apply.

Pack Your Essentials

When entering an inpatient treatment facility, treatment providers may recommend you pack lightly. Inpatient treatment centers may give you essential items, such as toiletries, during your treatment program.

Some inpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers may not allow certain items. If you have a high risk of relapsing, you may not be allowed to bring items that can lead to a relapse, such as a cell phone or mouthwash.

You can contact your Ohio inpatient treatment center to learn about which items they may allow, and which items they may not.

Prepare Yourself Mentally

Staying at an inpatient drug or alcohol rehab center can be a new, intimidating experience. 

A daily routine at a rehab center may include attending therapy sessions, support group meetings, taking medication to manage your withdrawal symptoms, and talking with other patients in rehab.

You can manage your stress during rehab by journaling or talking to your support system outside of rehab, if possible. Keeping a healthy state of mind during rehab can be helpful as you start your recovery journey.

If you are worried about entering an inpatient addiction treatment program, contact Ohio Recovery Center today. We are an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center that offers a wide range of evidence-based treatment. We can help both first-time and returning patients get the care they may need.

  1. Department of Labor
  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: November 1, 2023

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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