How To Choose The Right Drug Rehab Center For You

If you are struggling with substance abuse, choose a drug rehab center which offers specialized care for your specific needs. Learn about inpatient, outpatient, and other treatment programs when looking for the treatment center that’s right for you.

If you or a family member are in search of quality treatment and the right rehab center for you, there are several questions you need to ask before entering a rehab program. For instance, you will want to know the types of treatment offered at the rehab facility.

The drug or alcohol rehab should also cater to your specific needs, provide you with a specialized treatment plan, and help coordinate ongoing or aftercare services. 

To choose the right treatment center for you, start by asking the following questions.

Is The Rehab Accredited For Substance Abuse & Mental Health Treatment?

To receive the utmost care, attending an accredited rehab is crucial. Knowing you have healthcare professionals with the credentials needed to treat drug addiction and mental health conditions means you have peace of mind for receiving quality care.

Researching accredited rehab centers in your local area can help you find a treatment provider more easily.

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Do You Need Inpatient Treatment?

Residential treatment allows you to remain at a treatment facility 24/7. During this time, you will have access to medications and the healthcare a staff of professionals can provide.

To prevent alcohol or drug use, you will be monitored throughout the day and participate in various treatment programs such as therapy. Behavioral interventions can be beneficial in an inpatient setting, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

Per the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), behavioral interventions include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other forms of individual or group therapy which may be offered as part of an inpatient or outpatient program.

Do You Need Outpatient Treatment?

Every recovery process looks different. Outpatient care allows you to visit the treatment center at designated times throughout the week.

This type of treatment allows you more flexibility. However, there are other outpatient programs such as an intensive outpatient program and a partial hospitalization program.

Do You Need Medical Detoxification?

One of the first steps of drug or alcohol treatment is detoxification. Since this is a standard practice for recovery, many treatment centers provide this service.

With detox, the unwanted chemicals in your body are depleted while your body is nourished back to health. Although detox programs don’t treat addiction directly, they provide support while you experience withdrawal symptoms and prepare for treatment.

Does The Rehab Provide Aftercare Resources?

Some of the substance abuse treatment resources include aftercare options. Your healthcare provider and treatment team can help coordinate services before you leave the rehab center.

Aftercare resources may consist of group therapy, support groups, or sober living homes. Taking part in 12-step programs can also be beneficial and help with relapse prevention.

Does The Rehab Provide Evidence-Based Treatment Options?

Evidence-based treatment is based on proven methods that help treat addiction and mental health. For instance, if you have a co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis such as a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder, you may require dual diagnosis treatment.

If you struggle with an opioid or alcohol addiction, medication-assisted treatment plans are an evidence-based option that use medication alongside therapy and holistic activities. 

Does The Rehab Accept Your Health Insurance?

The cost of treatment will vary with each addiction treatment center. Contact your health insurance company to determine if inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment is covered by your plan.

The rehab you consider may also offer their own payment options. You can take advantage of options provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as well.

To access treatment services for yourself or a loved one, please contact Ohio Recovery Center. At our treatment center, we offer cognitive behavioral therapy, help you learn wellness techniques, and provide evidence-based treatment.

Contact us to find out if our program is the best option for you.

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse
  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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