Drug Rehab Transportation | How To Travel To Rehab In Ohio

Davis Sugar, M.D.

Medically Reviewed By: Davis Sugar, M.D.

on March 30, 2023

If you or someone you love lives with drug addiction (also called substance use disorder), it’s important to seek help at an addiction treatment facility. However, many Ohio residents miss out on treatment because they lack transportation. 

Thankfully, the state offers multiple options for people who need help transporting themselves or their loved ones to rehab.

Why Many People Lack Rehab Transportation

There are many reasons why a person with an addiction might lack transportation to rehab. For example, some people have had their licenses suspended due to DUI convictions. Others might be facing financial difficulties due to their substance abuse. As a result, they may not have access to a car. 

Many other people don’t drive for personal reasons. They may have trouble getting a ride from a family member or friend, especially if they need regular rides to and from outpatient treatment. In addition, if they have access to public transportation, they may find it unsafe.

These barriers pose a significant threat to the addiction recovery process. 

Even if you can get rides from loved ones or use public transportation, these options often lack reliability and structure. A sense of structure is essential during recovery, especially in the early days. Without it, a person may feel less confident about treatment, increasing the risk of relapse.

How To Travel To Rehab In Ohio

In Ohio, your rehab transportation options depend on how far you live from the treatment center.

Nearby Transportation

If you live in a nearby city or town, you could use a ride-sharing app such as Uber or Lyft. 

Some rehab centers also offer transportation services for patients who don’t live too far away. 

If you’re attending inpatient treatment (also called residential treatment), this service could pick you up from your home, bring you to the facility, and return you home once the program ends. Most inpatient programs last 30, 60, or 90 days. 

If you’re attending an outpatient program, the transportation service could pick you up from your home, bring you to the facility, and return you home once you complete treatment for that day. 

The amount of time you spend at the facility depends on the type of outpatient treatment you receive. There are three main types of outpatient treatment:

  • standard outpatient treatment, which typically involves fewer than 9 hours of treatment per week
  • intensive outpatient treatment, which typically involves 9 or more hours of treatment per week
  • partial hospitalization, which typically involves 20 or more hours of treatment per week

Also, if you have Medicaid, you might be eligible for free transportation to rehab if the Ohio Department of Medicaid deems it medically necessary and you have no other transportation options. To learn more, contact your Medicaid provider.

Distant Transportation 

If you’re attending an inpatient treatment program in a distant city or state, ask the rehab center if they offer transportation services. 

The transportation services at some centers can pick you up from your home and bring you all the way to the facility. They may also send a recovery coach to accompany you on the long journey. The coach can help you stay calm and grounded as you prepare to start treatment. 

While not all rehab transportation services can pick you up from your home, they might be able to pick you up from the airport and bring you to the facility.

Benefits Of Traveling For Rehab

Some people don’t understand why someone would travel a great distance for rehab. However, it has a number of benefits. 

Fresh Start

You may find that seeking treatment in a distant location helps you get a fresh start. When separated from reminders of your old life, it might be easier to start building your new life in recovery.

Away From Triggers

In some cases, you may also need to get away from people who trigger you (which means they make you want to abuse drugs again). When you distance yourself from these individuals, you significantly increase your chances of long-term recovery. 

Lack Of Treatment Access

You might also need to travel for rehab because there are no facilities in your area that meet your needs. 

This is often the case for people with co-occurring mental health conditions (also called dual diagnosis), such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. These individuals need dual diagnosis treatment, which some rehab centers don’t offer.

To learn more about substance abuse and addiction treatment options, please reach out to Ohio Recovery Center. Our board-certified healthcare providers offer medical detox, support groups, and other personalized, evidence-based treatments to help you or your loved one stay sober.

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse — Treatment and Recovery https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugs-brains-behavior-science-addiction/treatment-recovery
  2. Ohio Department of Medicaid — Transportation https://medicaid.ohio.gov/families-and-individuals/srvcs/transportation
  3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration — Recovery and Recovery Support https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/recovery

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2024 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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