Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment Practices In Ohio

Kimberly Langdon, M.D.

Medically Reviewed By: Kimberly Langdon, M.D.

on December 2, 2022

An evidence-based practice is a treatment method that has been supported by scientific evidence. In other words, scientific research has proven that the method helps people overcome addiction.

Over the years, scientists have developed numerous treatments for alcohol and drug addiction. However, not all treatments are equally effective. The most effective treatments are known as evidence-based practices or EBPs

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What Are Evidence-Based Practices In Addiction Treatment?

An evidence-based practice is a treatment method that has been supported by scientific evidence. In other words, scientific research has proven that the method helps people overcome addiction. The research supporting the method must be published in a peer-reviewed journal. 

The most common evidence-based practices in addiction treatment include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy. During CBT, a mental health provider will teach you how uncomfortable thoughts and feelings can lead to unhealthy behaviors, including substance use. 

You will then learn how to cope with your thoughts and feelings in a healthy manner. The most popular coping skills taught in CBT include:

  • identifying negative, unhelpful thoughts and exploring more helpful alternatives 
  • identifying and avoiding triggers (people, places, or other things that make you want to abuse drugs) 
  • journaling
  • deep breathing
  • muscle relaxation

Research findings show that most people retain the skills they learned in CBT long after treatment ends. 

Contingency Management (CM)

In contingency management (CM), you receive rewards for progressing in your recovery. There are two main types of CM: Voucher-Based Reinforcement (VBR) and Prize Incentives CM.

In VBR, each time you provide a drug-free urine sample, you get a voucher with monetary value. You can exchange the voucher for food items, gift cards, and other tangible rewards. As you provide more drug-free urine samples, the voucher’s monetary value increases. 

Like VBR, Prize Incentives CM also rewards you for negative drug tests. However, instead of a voucher, you receive a chance to draw from a bowl and get a cash prize between $1 and $100. 

According to clinical trials, both types of CM help people stay in treatment and avoid drug use. 

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) 

In motivational enhancement therapy (MET), a mental health clinician helps you become more motivated to recover from addiction. It starts with an assessment session in which the clinician explores your current motivation level. 

You will then attend two to four treatment sessions. During these sessions, the clinician will help you identify reasons to recover and develop a clear treatment plan. You will also learn coping strategies for recovery-related challenges. 

Research evidence shows that MET can help you stay in treatment and achieve long-term recovery, especially if you’re addicted to alcohol or marijuana.

12-Step Facilitation Therapy

In 12-step facilitation therapy, you learn skills popularized by 12-step group support groups (such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous). In particular, you will be encouraged to:

  • accept that abstaining from drugs is the only way to recover from addiction
  • accept the support and fellowship of other people recovering from addiction
  • become actively involved in 12-step support group meetings 

Many people who receive this type of therapy continue attending 12-step groups long after professional treatment ends. These groups connect you with people who can understand your struggles, share valuable coping skills, and help you avoid relapse.

Family Behavior Therapy (FBT)

In family behavior therapy (FBT), a mental health professional will teach you and your loved ones how to support your recovery. The sessions will also address issues that often occur alongside addiction, such as family conflicts, mental health disorders, child neglect, and financial problems.

FBT may also involve contingency management, with your loved ones rewarding you when you meet certain recovery goals. 

Research shows that FBT is effective for both adults and adolescents. 

Matrix Model

The Matrix Model is a treatment model for people recovering from addictions to stimulants, such as cocaine and methamphetamine. It typically lasts 16 weeks. 

During that period, you will regularly meet with a therapist who will educate you on stimulant addiction and coping strategies. 

The program also includes other interventions that promote long-term recovery, such as contingency management, family therapy, group therapy, and 12-step meetings.

Studies show that the Matrix Model can significantly decrease your stimulant use and strengthen your overall mental health.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

In medication-assisted treatment (MAT), health care providers prescribe FDA-approved medications to treat cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with alcohol and opioid addiction.

Medications approved to help treat alcohol addiction include:

  • acamprosate, which reduces alcohol cravings
  • disulfiram, which discourages alcohol use by causing unpleasant side effects (such as nausea and headache) when you drink alcohol
  • naltrexone, which discourages alcohol use by blocking the pleasant effects of alcohol 

Medications approved to help treat opioid addiction include:

  • buprenorphine, which reduces opioid cravings
  • methadone, which reduces opioid cravings and withdrawal symptoms
  • naltrexone, which discourages opioid use by the blocking the pleasant effects of opioid

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), MAT can help you stay in treatment, avoid relapse, and find and keep a job. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 37.9% of people with drug addiction also have a co-occurring mental health condition, such as:

  • depression
  • bipolar disorder
  • schizophrenia
  • anxiety disorders
  • eating disorders
  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

People who live with these conditions should seek dual diagnosis treatment. This type of treatment addresses addiction that occurs alongside other mental health concerns. Depending on your needs, it may include various types of therapies, such as:

Your dual diagnosis treatment plan may also include other mental health treatments, such as:

  • support groups
  • medications
  • wellness activities like exercise, journaling, and mindfulness meditation

Because dual diagnosis treatment addresses all of your mental health concerns at once, it can significantly reduce your risk of relapse.

To learn more about evidence-based treatments for addiction, please contact Ohio Recovery Center. We offer a variety of personalized, inpatient services to help you lead a fulfilling, drug-free life.

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse - Comorbidity: Substance Use and Other Mental Disorders https://nida.nih.gov/drug-topics/trends-statistics/infographics/comorbidity-substance-use-other-mental-disorders
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse - Evidence-Based Approaches to Drug Addiction Treatment https://nida.nih.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/evidence-based-approaches-to-drug-addiction-treatment
  3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) https://www.samhsa.gov/medication-assisted-treatment
  4. United States National Library of Medicine - Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Substance Abusers https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2797106/
  5. United States National Library of Medicine - Dual Diagnosis https://medlineplus.gov/dualdiagnosis.html

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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