Struthers, Ohio Alcohol & Drug Rehab Services

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS


For those of you who reside in Struthers, Ohio and struggle with alcohol or drug use, treatment services are available at various rehab centers in the Youngstown area.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there is one drug rehabilitation facility located in Struthers, Ohio. Other alcohol/drug treatment options are available in Youngstown, Boardman, and Cleveland

If you or a loved one struggle with drug abuse and live in Struthers, consider finding an addiction treatment center to begin your road to recovery. 

Available Alcohol & Drug Rehab Services In Struthers, Ohio

Some of the substance abuse treatment options available to you in the Youngstown region include:

  • medical detox
  • inpatient treatment
  • outpatient treatment
  • medication-assisted treatment
  • aftercare resources

Medical Detox

One of the first, short-term stages of alcohol or drug addiction treatment includes medical detoxification. With detox, the unwanted toxins found in your body and caused by drug use are expelled.

With a medical detox program, a team of professionals at the drug rehab center will monitor you for severe withdrawal symptoms during the detox process.

Inpatient Treatment

If you’re seeking addiction and mental health treatment, consider an inpatient program. As an inpatient, you will remain at the facility for a scheduled timeframe with 24/7 access to healthcare workers, peers, and evidence-based forms of treatment like behavioral therapy and group therapy. 

Those suffering from a dual diagnosis such as a substance use disorder and mental health disorder may benefit from the structured environment provided by a residential treatment facility. These inpatient treatment services are building blocks to help you on the path to recovery.

Outpatient Treatment

Those searching for a more flexible schedule have the option of outpatient care. At an outpatient treatment facility, you have access to numerous treatment options and professional care. 

As an outpatient of a drug or alcohol rehab program, you must visit the center at designated times during the week. For more extensive treatment, consider outpatient treatment programs such as an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or a partial hospitalization program (PHP).

Medication-Assisted Treatment

If you have an alcohol use disorder or an opioid use disorder, your doctor may take a different approach in terms of treatment. Those with either of these substance use disorders can utilize medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

MAT is a form of treatment which combines behavioral therapy with specific medications. This addiction treatment program has proven to reduce the risk of relapse and overdose.

Aftercare Resources

Your Ohio treatment center may provide you with a referral to certain aftercare options. For example, our recovery program coordinates community services and other local resources that work for you after treatment. Examples include 12-step meetings, case management, and sober-living housing.

Paying For Treatment In Struthers, Ohio

For those seeking payment assistance, there are other options available. For instance, Medicaid and Medicare are public insurance options that can help you pay for treatment. Additionally, certain treatment centers may offer self-pay options. 

If you have private health insurance, reach out to a treatment center or your insurance provider to determine if inpatient or outpatient treatment are in-network with your coverage.

Substance Use Trends & Facts In Struthers, Ohio

Substance use trends and facts collected from Struthers and the Youngstown region include:

  • The most common stimulant prescribed in the Youngstown region during the first six months of 2022 was Adderall.
  • During the first six months of 2022, the Youngstown region saw an increase in the availability of powdered and crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl.
  • 134 lives were saved in 2021 due to the reversal of overdoses helped with the medication naloxone (Narcan).
  • The most common opioid prescribed during the first six months of 2022 in the region of Youngstown was Percocet.
  • The provisional drug overdose death count for the 12 month-ending period ending in December 2022 for Mahoning County, Ohio was 158.

Struthers, Ohio Substance Use Resources

Substance use resources available to you in this region of Ohio consist of:

Ohio Recovery Center

Ohio Recovery Center is located 3.5 hours away from Struthers. At our rehab facility, we provide alcohol and drug rehab programs for you and your loved one that are catered to your unique needs.

Whether you suffer from an illicit or prescription drug addiction, we can offer inpatient levels of care that set you on a supportive path towards recovery. Contact us today to learn more about our residential treatment center.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  2. Mahoning County Public Health
  3. Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring Network

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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