Plugging Valium | Effects & Dangers Of Rectal Diazepam Use

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS


Plugging Valium can be a form of drug abuse in which a person crushes the tablet and combines the powder with a liquid to insert into the rectum. This method of administration increases the person’s exposure to bloodborne disease and can cause significant damage to anal tissue.

Valium (the brand name for diazepam) is a prescription drug used to treat those suffering from certain anxiety disorders

Referred to as a benzodiazepine or benzo, Valium can also treat symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal and may act as an anticonvulsant for those who suffer from seizures due to epilepsy.

Valium belongs to a class of benzodiazepines that includes alprazolam (Xanax) and lorazepam (Ativan). According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), these Schedule IV controlled substances are habit-forming and can lead to psychological or physical dependence.

Plugging Valium

Plugging Valium can be a form of drug abuse in which a person crushes the tablet and combines the powder with a liquid to insert it into the rectum. However, in addition to oral administration, Valium is offered as a suppository with the brand name Diastat.

Diazepam rectal administration may be used in patients to help control seizures. To reduce convulsions or muscle spasms, rectal administration of Valium may be applied to help quickly and effectively calm the body, preventing tremors.

When Valium is plugged, the drug enters the bloodstream quickly, depressing the central nervous system (CNS) and targeting neurotransmitters in the brain. This results in sedative effects, which, when abused, can lead to more significant sedation and a risk of overdose.

Effects Of Plugging Valium

Although Valium is offered as a suppository, it may also be abused. Those who participate in this form of substance use may experience multiple side effects ranging in severity.

Intensified Side Effects

The common side effects of diazepam can be more intense when Valium is plugged. Because the drug enters the bloodstream so quickly, the typical side effects from Valium may become more pronounced, resulting in extreme sedation and other side effects such as.

The intensified side effects of plugging Valium may include:

  • muscle weakness
  • blurred vision
  • fatigue
  • constipation
  • drowsiness
  • dry mouth
  • nausea

Some of the more serious side effects associated with plugging Valium consist of:

  • damage to anal tissue
  • risk of disease
  • drug interactions caused by combining medications such as opioids or supplements
  • Valium withdrawal symptoms
  • Valium overdose

Dangers Of Plugging Valium

Your healthcare provider may recommend different strengths or other alternatives for older adults due to the risk of respiratory depression and slowed breathing. There are also other dangers associated with plugging Valium.

Risk Of Disease

When the powder form of Valium combined with liquid is inserted into the rectum over time, sores can develop. If a person shares a syringe or other form of paraphernalia with others, there is a risk of transmitting diseases such as hepatitis C or HIV.

Damage To Anal Tissue

Valium acts as an irritant against the anal walls, leading to blisters and damage to the anal tissue. Bacterial infections and abscesses may develop.

Repeated rectal use of Valium may loosen skin from the anal tissue, resulting in fissures and tears, creating pain during bowel movements. This may also result in recurring bleeding from the area.

Valium Withdrawal

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), when Valium is abruptly stopped, it can result in withdrawal symptoms. When Valium abuse occurs, withdrawal can become more severe.

Symptoms of Valium withdrawal may include:

  • problems with concentration or memory problems
  • muscle spasms
  • ringing in ears
  • anxiety or depression
  • cravings for the drug

Valium Overdose

Those who resort to plugging Valium in order to achieve a greater high may receive the drug in a much higher dose than when taken orally. Plugging Valium can lead to an increased risk of overdose, especially if the drug is mixed with opioid and alcohol.

Symptoms of a Valium overdose may include:

  • slowed heart rate
  • respiratory depression
  • coma
  • convulsions
  • confusion
  • hallucinations
  • low blood pressure
  • sudden death

If a benzodiazepine overdose is suspected, contact 911 immediately and seek urgent medical attention.

Valium Addiction Treatment

For those of you seeking a treatment center, consider Ohio Recovery Center. We offer numerous treatment options which range from medical detox to aftercare resources.

Additionally, we provide evidence-based practices like behavioral therapy and group counseling. To speak with one of our healthcare representatives and learn more about our treatment plans, please contact us today.

  1. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
  2. Epilepsia
  3. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  4. National Library of Medicine: DailyMed
  5. National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus
  6. National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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