Oxycodone Street Names & Brand Names

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on August 16, 2023

Oxycodone is available in several brand names, including OxyContin. Oxycodone can also be purchased on the street and can go by names such as hillbilly heroin, kicker, and oxy.

Oxycodone (brand name OxyContin) is an opioid prescription drug used to treat those suffering from moderate to severe pain. Oxycodone is a Schedule II controlled substance, which means it has a high potential for abuse and can lead to psychological or physical dependence.

Because the drug can be abused to experience feelings of euphoria, some turn to the illicit drug market or the street to achieve the desired high. Because of this, oxycodone may be known by various street names.

Oxycodone may be used in combination with acetaminophen. This combination is known by numerous brand names, including Percocet and Roxicet.

Street Names For Oxycodone

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), oxycodone on the street may have several common street names such as:

  • kickers
  • oxy
  • oxycotton
  • roxy
  • ox
  • OCs
  • percs
  • hillbilly heroin
  • beans

These nicknames may vary, but those purchasing oxycodone on the street should be wary of any street drug, as the lack of quality control can result in small amounts of other substances combining with your drug. This can lead to serious health issues.

Brand Names For Oxycodone

Brand names that contain oxycodone alone include:

  • OxyContin and OxyContin CR
  • Oxaydo
  • Oxydose
  • Oxyfast
  • Oxy IR
  • Roxicodone and Roxicodone Intensol
  • Roxybond
  • Dazidox
  • Eth-Oxydose
  • Xtampza ER

Brand names that contain both oxycodone and acetaminophen include:

  • Oxycet
  • Endocet
  • Narvox
  • Percocet
  • Perloxx
  • Primalev
  • Roxicet
  • Tylox
  • Xolox

Percodan is also a brand name drug containing oxycodone and Aspirin.

Dangers Of Oxycodone Abuse

There are several dangers associated with oxycodone drug use.

Drug Interactions

The risk of an overdose may be increased when purchasing oxycodone on the illicit drug market or simply off the street. Various drug interactions may take place when oxycodone is combined with other drugs, especially opioid painkillers.

Substances to avoid with oxycodone, as well as their slang terms, include:

  • alcohol
  • fentanyl or Actiq (dance fever, china girl, apache, jackpot, goodfella)
  • hydromorphone or Dilaudid (footballs, dillies, juice)
  • codeine (captain cody, lean, sizzurp, purple drank, schoolboy)
  • hydrocodone (norco) and Vicodin (vike)
  • benzodiazepines (benzos) such as Valium or Xanax
  • amphetamine or stimulant medications used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as Adderall or Ritalin
  • sedatives
  • heroin (china white, dope, brown sugar)
  • morphine (miss Emma, white stuff)
  • methadone
  • hallucinogens such as LSD (acid, tabs) and MDMA (molly, ecstasy)

Withdrawal Symptoms

If you abruptly stop oxycodone use, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite, or a rapid heart rate. 

Additionally, you may feel muscle pain and aches as well as cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Mental health issues may also develop such as anxiety, depression, or irritability.

Oxycodone Overdose

The risk of overdose may be increased in those who purchase oxycodone on the illicit drug market. Taking oxycodone as a street drug may contain contaminants which interact with the drug.

Even small traces of fentanyl may result in an overdose. Abusing oxycodone by snorting, smoking, or injecting the drug can also lead to an opioid overdose.

Symptoms of an oxycodone overdose can include:

  • cardiac arrest
  • cold or clammy skin
  • respiratory depression
  • coma
  • death

Oxycodone Addiction Treatment

If you or a loved one live with prescription drug addiction, Ohio Recovery Center can help. 

Some of the substance abuse treatment options we provide include medical detox, evidence-based care like behavioral therapy, and aftercare recovery resources. To learn more about our inpatient treatment programs, please contact us today.

  1. Drug Enforcement Administration https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Oxycodone-2020_0.pdf
  2. Food and Drug Administration https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2015/022272s027lbl.pdf
  3. National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682132.html
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/prescription-opioids
  5. National Institutes of Health https://www.nihlibrary.nih.gov/resources/subject-guides/opioids/street-commercial-names

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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