Injecting Oxycodone | Effects, Risks, & Dangers

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on December 10, 2022

The effects of shooting oxycodone may include extreme sedation, pain relief, impairment, and nodding off. It can also have dangers such as blood clots, infection of the injection site, and an increased risk of disease and overdose.

The process of injecting oxycodone can involve the crushing of oxycodone tablets, mixing them into a solution, and injecting them into the bloodstream.

Injecting oxycodone is considered a form of tampering and drug abuse, as the method of administration is not approved by health organizations. Illicit drug use can increase the chances of serious health problems as well as long-term substance use disorder.

Effects Of Injecting Oxycodone

Injecting oxycodone directly into the bloodstream can result in stronger side effects, similar to snorting. The sedative and analgesic effects of oxycodone can be appealing for people who would like to experience a “high” from the drug, which can be heightened through injection.

Injection can also cause oxycodone to take effect in a shorter time compared to digestion. Injecting oxycodone can cause side effects such as:

  • sedation
  • impairment
  • slowed breathing
  • constipation
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • low blood pressure

Dangers Of Injecting Oxycodone

Illicit use of oxycodone through injection can cause a number of serious side effects.

Insoluble Tablet Contaminants

Oxycodone tablets may contain large particulates that can cause serious health effects if they reach the bloodstream. Filtration methods such as coffee filters may be used as a harm reduction method, but studies report low effectiveness in some of these methods.

If insoluble contaminants reach the bloodstream, they can cause blood clots, abscesses, and blood flow blockages, which can be life-threatening.

Risk Of Transmitting Disease

If needles are shared among people who inject drugs, the needles may transmit diseases and pathogens from person to person. There is a risk of contracting hepatitis C, HIV, and other serious diseases when injecting oxycodone through this method.

Risk Of Overdose

When injecting oxycodone, the dose of oxycodone that enters your bloodstream may not be a monitored or recommended dose. Injecting oxycodone into the bloodstream can also be more potent than digesting the drug, which can make doses more dangerous.

Signs of an oxycodone overdose may include blue lips, a loss of consciousness, and a gurgling noise in place of standard breathing.

Illicit formulations of oxycodone may also contain other drugs, which can be injected without the person knowing. These substances, which may include acetaminophen and other opioids, can also be dangerous when injected.

Treatment Options For Oxycodone Abuse

Prescription opioid abuse can lead to a declining quality of life. However, it can be difficult to stop injecting opioids due to their habit-forming nature.

A professional addiction treatment center can give you access to the resources you need to overcome oxycodone addiction. Methods such as medical detox, medication-assisted treatment, and behavioral therapy can be effective in reducing high-risk drug use.

To learn about our inpatient substance abuse treatment program, please reach out to us today.

  1. Current Drug Safety — Effects of filtration on the presence of particulate and oxycodone content of injections prepared from crushed OxyContin® tablets
  3. National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre — Barriers to harm reduction: Heating and filtration of oxycodone tablets prior to intravenous use by people who inject drugs in Australia

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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