Is Meth Legal In Ohio? | Possession Laws & Offenses

Meth possession in Ohio is illegal in almost all cases. Possession of meth can lead to jail time and fines, but using meth can also be a sign of mental health issues.

Meth only has one legal use in Ohio as the prescription drug Desoxyn. Outside of this one use, taking, possessing, or selling methamphetamine in Ohio is a felony offense.

Methamphetamine is a Schedule II controlled substance according to federal law. Meth has a high potential for drug abuse and few legal uses. Carrying any amount of methamphetamine without a prescription is a drug crime.

Possible penalties for drug offenses in Ohio include jail time, driver’s license suspensions, and fines. Possession of methamphetamine can also be a sign that you are struggling with a drug addiction.

Meth Possession Laws In Ohio

If you do not have a prescription, it is illegal to possess, ingest, or sell any amount of methamphetamine in Ohio. While possessing hashish or Schedule III and lower substances may lead to minor misdemeanor charges, possessing methamphetamine can lead to felony charges.

The possession laws for methamphetamine depend on the amount of methamphetamine you have when you are arrested. The more methamphetamine you have, the more serious your charges may be.

If you are caught possessing meth in Ohio, you may be charged with possession of a controlled substance. Ohio drug laws for Schedule II substances are as follows:

  • less than 3 grams of meth: fifth-degree felony, up to 6 months of jail time and $2,500 in fines
  • 3 to 15 grams of meth: third-degree felony, up to 3 years of prison time and $10,000 in fines
  • 15 to 150 grams of meth: second-degree felony, up to 8-year prison sentence and $15,000 in fines
  • 150 to 300 grams of meth: first-degree felony, up to 11 years in prison and $20,000 fine
  • more than 300 grams of meth: first-degree felony, mandatory 11-year prison term and mandatory minimum $20,000 fine

Additional Penalties For Meth Possession

If law enforcement finds methamphetamine on your person, they may also look for additional charges. Additional charges for meth possession in Ohio can lead to extended prison terms and increased fines.

You may receive additional drug possession charges for meth in Ohio if you are a previous major drug offender, if you have drug paraphernalia, or if you had the intent to sell meth. 

Law enforcement may use evidence such as finding a high or bulk amount of meth. A bulk amount of meth may be beyond reason for personal use.

While additional penalties for meth possession can be harsh, your criminal defense attorney can decide whether any drug charges can be dismissed.

Getting Help For Illicit Methamphetamine Use

While drug use may still be criminalized in Ohio, it can also be a sign of mental health problems. Many people in the criminal justice system may struggle with addiction, and it can be difficult to get the help you need.

If you are facing a potential drug conviction for methamphetamine in Ohio, you may also be struggling with a methamphetamine abuse problem. You may be eligible for court-ordered treatment, which can help you avoid jail time and give you access to evidence-based treatment.

If you are struggling with illicit drug use and want to quit, you can contact an addiction treatment center such as Ohio Recovery Center. Our treatment programs understand that addiction is a serious mental health issue, and we provide evidence-based treatment for a wide variety of needs.

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse
  2. The Ohio Legislature

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: October 18, 2023

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