Fulton County, Ohio Drug Rehab & Addiction Services

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on June 9, 2023

Fulton County offers lots of help for addiction and overdose prevention in the form of addiction treatment centers, support groups, and community resources.

Fulton County is located in northwestern Ohio near Toledo and the Michigan-Ohio border. Like most of the state, county residents have struggled with alcohol and drug abuse over the past few years.

Luckily, Fulton County has a variety of addiction treatment and support resources like county boards, helplines, and support groups.

However, you’re not stuck with only seeking treatment in Fulton County. There are addiction treatment centers all around the state, including accredited inpatient care at Ohio Recovery Center.

Substance Abuse Resources In Fulton County, Ohio

The main agency responsible for addiction treatment and resources in Fulton County is the Four County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services

This board covers Williams, Fulton, Defiance, and Henry Counties and was created in 1978 to ensure all residents have availability to community-based substance abuse treatment services. They’re in charge of planning, funding, and monitoring addiction treatment.

The board also offers a variety of services, including:

  • Survivors After Suicide Support Group 
  • Women’s Support Group
  • Family & Friends Support Group – Montpelier
  • Grief Groups
  • H.O.P.E. (Helping Other Parents Experiencing Grief)
  • Grief Support for Overdose and Addiction Loss

There is also the Crisis Text Line for those in need. You simply need to text 4HOPE to 741741.

Ohio Recovery Center

Ohio Recovery Center is located in Van Wert, Ohio, which is about an hour from Fulton County. 

Our experienced staff will help you build a treatment plan that meets you or your loved one’s needs. Your plan may include any of our addiction treatment options, including detox, inpatient drug rehab, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare.

Fulton County Substance Use & Overdose Data

As the data shows, Fulton County has seen its share of overdose deaths over the years. While it doesn’t have the most overdoses in the state, its residents are still dealing with addiction.

In 2020, the rate of overdose deaths in Fulton County was 21.6 per 100,000. The number of overdose deaths that year was 14. This was up from four in 2019 and seven in 2018.

In 2021, there were three overdose deaths which was 8% of the deaths in the county.

In 2022, there were 12 unintentional overdose deaths and those were 23% of the deaths in the county that year.

Fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, and prescription opioids are the most popular drugs used in the area.

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options In Fulton County

There are 20 alcohol and drug rehab facilities within a 25-mile radius of Fulton County. Most of these treatment centers are located in Napoleon, Wauseon, Adrian, Bryan, and Maumee.

Rehab centers in this area also include two or more drug and alcohol addiction treatment options such as medical detox, inpatient and outpatient treatment, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

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Medical Detox

During medical detox, as the drugs or alcohol leave your system,  healthcare providers will help you manage any withdrawal symptoms that show up. They do this with prescription medication to ease the symptoms, and IV treatment to ensure you stay hydrated.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment (also called residential treatment) is typically for those with severe addictions and those without a strong support system. 

It involves living at the rehab center and receiving 24/7 care. It can include behavioral therapy, family therapy, group therapy, case management, dual-diagnosis treatment, and addiction education.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment is similar to inpatient care, but instead of living at the rehab center, you go to a facility each day. After your treatment session is over, you can go home at night. 

Outpatient care is often recommended for those with mild to moderate substance use disorders and for those with stronger support systems.There are three types of outpatient treatment: partial hospitalization programs (PHPs), intensive outpatient programs (IOPs), and standard outpatient programs. 

Medication-Assisted Treatment

With medication-assisted treatment (MAT), medical professionals will prescribe medication that’s approved to treat cravings and withdrawal symptoms that come with alcohol and opioid/opiate use disorder. 

On top of the medication, you also participate in behavioral therapy as well.

Payment Options Accepted In Fulton County, Ohio

If you’re worrying about how you’re going to pay for addiction treatment, both private health insurance plans and Medicare/Medicaid cover most of the cost of substance abuse treatment. If you’d like to know the exact amount they cover, you can contact your insurance provider.

If you’d like to learn more about Ohio Recovery Center or verify that we accept your insurance, please call our helpline today.

  1. Fulton County Coroner — 2022 Coroner Report https://www.fultoncountyoh.com/DocumentCenter/View/17523/2022-Coroner-Report
  2. Fulton County Coroner — 2021 Coroner Report https://www.fultoncountyoh.com/DocumentCenter/View/17522/2021-Coroner-Report
  3. Fulton County Expositor — Opioid deaths skyrocket in Ohio https://www.fcnews.org/news/28640/opioid-deaths-skyrocket-in-ohio
  4. Swanton Enterprise — Fulton County transcends dismal state drug stats https://www.swantonenterprise.com/news/7559/fulton-county-transcends-dismal-state-drug-stats

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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