Bexley, Ohio Alcohol & Drug Rehab Services

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on March 26, 2023

Residents of Bexley, Ohio, can enter treatment centers and receive medical detox plans, mental health support, and medication-assisted treatment in nearby cities such as Columbus and Lancaster.

If you, your family, or someone you love are residents of Bexley, Ohio, you may be at risk of drug or alcohol abuse. Drugs such as fentanyl and cocaine are widely available in the area, while the Columbus metro area also sees high rates of alcohol abuse.

A specialized drug or alcohol addiction treatment program can help you or your loved ones get the help and support that you need. 

Available Alcohol & Drug Rehab Services In Bexley, Ohio

Alcohol and drug treatment options available to Bexley residents may include:

  • medical detoxification services
  • inpatient treatment services
  • outpatient treatment services
  • medication-assisted treatment
  • mental health services

Alcohol and drug addiction treatment centers are not located in the city of Bexley itself. However, Bexley residents can access treatment facilities in nearby Columbus, Lancaster, Delaware, and other neighboring areas.

Medical Detox

The amount of medical care and supervision you get during a detox program may depend on the severity of your withdrawal symptoms and mental health.

Drug and alcohol treatment centers near Bexley may offer medical drug or alcohol detox programs depending on your specific needs. You may be asked to stay at a rehab facility for part of or the entirety of your detox.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment, also known as residential treatment, can offer withdrawal management, behavioral therapy services, and other treatment options to patients living at a treatment center. Patients may be required to stay at the treatment center until they have recovered successfully.

Inpatient drug rehab programs near Bexley may offer treatment services focused on opioids, cocaine, alcohol, and other prominent substances that affect Franklin County.

Outpatient Treatment

Patients in outpatient recovery can live at home while attending rehab. This form of treatment is suitable for Bexley residents without a medical history of drug addiction or mental health problems.

Outpatient drug rehab programs provide similar services as inpatient treatment programs near Bexley, such as behavioral health services, pharmacotherapy, case management, and aftercare planning.

Some treatment centers in the Bexley area offer recovery plans specifically for adolescents, veterans, victims of trauma, and other demographics.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment, also known as pharmacotherapy, involves prescribed medication to manage your alcohol or opioid withdrawal. Pharmacotherapy can also include the use of antipsychotics to stabilize your mental health while you are going through treatment.

Medication-assisted treatment for opiate or alcohol withdrawal may be prescribed by accredited addiction treatment centers near Bexley.

Mental Health Services

About 50 percent of people with severe mental health disorders may also struggle with substance abuse. Treating co-occurring disorders in Bexley residents going through rehab can improve the chances of long-term recovery from drugs or alcohol.

Evidence-based and popular forms of mental health treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders, 12-step recovery programs, peer support, and reprocessing therapy, may be offered by rehab centers near Bexley.

Payment Assistance Options For Addiction Treatment In Bexley, Ohio

If you’re concerned about the potential cost of addiction recovery services near Bexley, Ohio, you can contact a nearby recovery center about the following payment options:

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • private health insurance from a company
  • military insurance
  • sliding scale fees (“pay what you can”)

Each drug or alcohol rehab facility in the Bexley area may accept different payment options.

Bexley, Ohio Substance Abuse Statistics

In 2021, there were 825 unintentional drug overdose deaths in Franklin County, Ohio. 89 percent of these overdose deaths involved fentanyl, while 43 percent involved cocaine. Alcohol, amphetamines, and other opioid drugs were involved in 20 to 10 percent of overdose deaths, respectively.

These numbers suggest a need for awareness, education, and prevention measures that center around these specific drugs in Franklin County, as well as substance abuse treatment programs offered for opioid, alcohol, and stimulant drug addiction in the area.

Substance Use Resources In Bexley, Ohio

The Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Board (ADAMH) Board of Franklin County can refer Bexley residents to crisis helplines, resources, and treatment providers in the area.

The Columbus & Franklin County Addiction Plan also provides resources, awareness, naloxone distribution programs, and other information to Bexley residents on the City of Columbus website. Many of these resources may be available at little to no cost.

Ohio Recovery Center

Ohio Recovery Center offers inpatient drug and alcohol rehab services such as medical detox plans, mental health support, and medication-assisted treatment in Van Wert, Ohio. Van Wert is located about 130 miles from Bexley.

To see if our addiction treatment plans will meet the needs of you or your loved one, please contact us today.

  1. Franklin County Forensic Science Center — Franklin County Ohio 2021 Drug Overdose Fatalities Data Brief
  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration — SAMHSA

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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