Whitehall, Ohio Alcohol & Drug Rehab Services

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on February 2, 2023

Residents of Whitehall, Ohio, can access a variety of substance abuse services and treatment programs throughout Columbus. Treatment options in this region include inpatient/outpatient care, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare planning.

If you or a loved one live with drug addiction and reside in Whitehall, there are various substance abuse treatment options available to help assist you in recovery.

Alcohol and drug abuse rehab programs near Whitehall are located in Franklin County throughout the Columbus region of Ohio.

Available Alcohol & Drug Rehab Services In Whitehall, Ohio

The treatment services at alcohol and drug rehab centers in Columbus include:

  • medical detox 
  • inpatient treatment
  • outpatient treatment
  • medication-assisted treatment
  • aftercare resources

Medical Detox

Once you enter an addiction treatment program, the first step can be experiencing detoxification. With detox, you rid your body of unwanted and harmful toxins.

This detox process can lead to withdrawal symptoms, but a healthcare professional will be by your side assisting you throughout a medical detox program, which typically only lasts for a short period of time.

Inpatient Treatment

As an inpatient, you will find treatment in a peaceful environment with a structured treatment plan to fit your needs. Inpatient treatment requires you to remain at the treatment facility throughout the duration of your stay.

Those seeking a drug and alcohol treatment plan may consider inpatient care if they are suffering from a co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis. You may also participate in cognitive behavioral therapy, recreational activities, and peer support groups.

Outpatient Treatment

Some drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers provide specific outpatient care options such as partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) and intensive outpatient programs (IOPs). These programs are more involved than those who simply want to receive outpatient treatment.

For instance, outpatients will have designated times throughout the week for when they need to visit the rehab center. Therapy options may be required as part of treatment.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

If you live with opioid use disorder or alcohol use disorder, you may choose medication-assisted treatment (MAT). MAT combines behavioral therapy techniques with medication to assist those struggling with alcohol or drug use.

Aftercare Resources

Once you’ve completed a recovery program at a rehab facility, you can maintain your progress by utilizing the many aftercare resources provided to you by your treatment center. Aftercare can include case management, employment assistance, sober-living housing, and more.

Paying For Treatment In Whitehall, Ohio

If you have health insurance, reach out to your treatment provider to learn more about your coverage. Call the phone number on your insurance card to determine if your plan covers a drug treatment program.

For those without health insurance, you have other options to consider such as payment plans. Additionally, you may have access to public insurance options like Medicaid and Medicare.

Substance Use Trends & Facts In Whitehall, Ohio

Some of the substance abuse trends and facts gathered from the Columbus region include:

  • There were seizures of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana by the Division of Police in Whitehall in September 2022.
  • 825 overdose deaths occurred in Franklin County in 2021.
  • 859 overdose deaths occurred in Franklin County in 2020.
  • 556 overdose deaths occurred in Franklin County in 2019.
  • Fentanyl was involved in 76-89% of overdose deaths during 2017-2021 in Franklin County.

Whitehall, Ohio Substance Use Resources

Those who live in Whitehall and Franklin County may find the following resources useful when searching for substance use treatment:

Ohio Recovery Center

Just a little over two hours from Whitehall, you can find evidence-based practices at Ohio Recovery Center. Our inpatient treatment options include medical detox, a structured recovery program, behavioral therapy, MAT, and more. 

To learn more about our treatment options, please contact us today.

  1. City of Whitehall — Division of Police https://www.whitehall-oh.us/194/Police
  2. Franklin County Forensic Science Center Office of the Coroner — Franklin County Ohio 2021 Drug Overdose Fatalities Data Brief https://coroner.franklincountyohio.gov/getattachment/81c81378-bd61-49aa-bd88-22355ddf9907/Overdose_2017-2021_Report.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US
  3. Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring Network (OSAM) — Drug Abuse Trends in the Columbus Region https://mha.ohio.gov/wps/wcm/connect/gov/8e8c8299-68d7-4997-ba54-d5b5407d3027/OSAM+Columbus+Drug+Trend+Report%2C+June+2019.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=nNwxZCh
  4. Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring Network (OSAM) — Surveillance of Drug Abuse Trends in the State of Ohio June 2022 https://mha.ohio.gov/static/ResearchandData/DataandReports/OSAM/OSAM-Drug-Trend-Report-June-2022.pdf

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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