How Much Does Crack Cost?

Kimberly Langdon, M.D.

Medically Reviewed By: Kimberly Langdon, M.D.

on December 8, 2022
Fikret Terzic

Written by: Fikret Terzic MD, MS

Crack cocaine is among the most popular street drugs in Ohio. As with other illegal drugs, the price of crack cocaine varies. It typically costs between $60 and $100 per gram. The exact price depends on factors like purity and location.

Cocaine is a white powder made from the leaves of the coca plant. While some people snort or inject the powder, others use it to cook small, smokeable rocks called crack cocaine. 

Crack cocaine is one of the most popular and dangerous drugs in Ohio. As with other illegal drugs, the average price of crack cocaine varies.

Crack Street Prices In Ohio

In Ohio, crack cocaine costs typically range between $60 to $100 per gram. The exact cost depends on purity and location.


Crack cocaine is generally cheaper than powder cocaine. That’s because crack cocaine is less pure, which means it contains less cocaine and more additives. Additives are substances that are intended to increase a drug’s weight so drug traffickers or dealers can charge more for it. 

Different drug dealers use different additives. Some dealers use household items such as powdered milk or powdered sugar. 

Other dealers use drugs that are even stronger than crack cocaine, such as fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid used to treat cancer pain. It poses a high risk of deadly overdose.

Some batches of crack cocaine have greater purity levels than others. In most cases, the less pure the drug is, the less it costs. 


The average cost of crack cocaine can vary widely depending on where you live in Ohio. In general, the drug costs less in the state’s big cities and more in rural areas. That’s because cities usually have more active drug markets and higher supplies of crack cocaine. 

Typically, crack cocaine prices decrease when supplies increase. The same is true for other illicit drug prices.

Dangers Of Crack

Regardless of the drug’s street value, crack cocaine poses serious health risks. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies the drug as a Schedule II controlled substance. That means it has a high risk of overdose and addiction.

Crack Overdose

As a stimulant drug, crack cocaine speeds up your nervous system. Sometimes, your nervous system will speed up to the point of overdose, especially if you use a large amount of the drug. Common signs of a crack cocaine overdose include:

  • severe anxiety
  • irritability 
  • hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that aren’t there)
  • high blood pressure
  • increased body temperature and sweating
  • difficulty breathing
  • irregular heart rhythm 

If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, call 911 right away. When left untreated, a crack cocaine overdose can lead to serious health problems such as seizures, heart attack, and stroke.

Crack Addiction

Repeated crack cocaine use typically leads to drug addiction (also called substance use disorder). This disease makes you feel unable to stop using crack cocaine even if you want to. 

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the most common signs of drug addiction include tolerance and physical dependence. 

Tolerance means you need increasingly larger or more frequent amounts of a drug to feel the desired effects. Physical dependence means you experience withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety and trouble sleeping, when you don’t use a drug.

Other signs of crack cocaine addiction may include loss of motivation, mood swings, and avoidance of friends and family members.

The Costs Of Crack Addiction

As mentioned above, crack cocaine generally costs about $60 to $100 per gram. Most people with crack cocaine addiction use multiple grams a day, meaning they could spend thousands of dollars on the drug per week. 

That’s why many people with the disease struggle financially. In some cases, they may even steal from their loved ones. 

Along with wreaking havoc on your finances, crack cocaine addiction can also cause:

  • damaged relationships
  • job loss
  • homelessness
  • health problems such as malnourishment, cognitive problems, and heart disease

Like other diseases, crack cocaine addiction requires professional treatment. If you or someone you love struggles with crack, seek help at a substance abuse treatment program. 

Available on an inpatient or outpatient basis, these programs provide a variety of services to help you avoid harmful drug use, including mental health counseling, medical detox, and support groups.

To learn more about crack cocaine abuse and addiction treatment options, please reach out to Ohio Recovery Center. Our compassionate treatment providers offer personalized, evidence-based services to help you or your loved one build a healthy, sober life.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — Fentanyl Facts
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse — What are the long-term effects of cocaine use?
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse — Understanding Drug Use and Addiction DrugFacts
  4. National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus — Cocaine

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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