15 Helpful Tips For Better Mental Health

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on August 12, 2023

Caring for your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. Whether or not you struggle with mental illness, you can take helpful steps to improve your psychological well-being, including getting enough sleep, connecting with nature, and more.

Good mental health plays an essential role in your daily life. It helps you achieve your goals, form strong bonds, and cope with challenges. Whether or not you have a diagnosed mental illness, you can boost your mental health by following these 15 simple tips. 

1. Get Enough Sleep

A good night’s sleep gives you the energy you need to concentrate, socialize, and handle daily stressors. 

Most adults need at least seven hours of sleep per night. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and free of electronic devices. Also, avoid alcohol and caffeine before bedtime. 

2. Stay Active

While exercise boosts your physical health, it’s also crucial to your mental health. When you get active, your body releases endorphins, natural hormones that promote feelings of pleasure. 

Some people find the idea of regular exercise intimidating. However, even a 30-minute stroll around the neighborhood can significantly improve your sense of wellness.

3. Eat Healthy Foods

Nutritious foods enhance your energy, concentration, and decision-making skills. They may even help regulate your mood. To reap these benefits, eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

Also, make sure you drink enough water. Most adults need between four to six cups of water per day. 

4. Journal

Journaling allows you to explore painful thoughts, feelings, and situations. When you document these experiences, it’s easier to make sense of them and identify possible solutions. You can also journal about people, places, and other things you’re grateful for. 

Studies show that expressing gratitude may ease stress and boost your emotional well-being. 

5. Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness means connecting with the present moment. In other words, you simply notice your thoughts, sensations, and surroundings without judging them. This practice can calm your nervous system and help you cope with difficult emotions. 

To strengthen your mindfulness skills, look up a guided mindfulness meditation online, or pick up some books on the subject.

6. Express Your Creativity

Creative activities help you express yourself, give you a sense of purpose, and improve your self-esteem. All of these effects lead to stronger mental health. Revisit creative hobbies you may have abandoned, or try out some new ones. Some of the most popular options include:

  • drawing
  • painting
  • writing
  • playing an instrument
  • singing
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • gardening

7. Spend Time With Loved Ones

To maintain good mental health, you need strong social connections. Spending time with friends and family members can improve your mood, decrease stress, and prevent loneliness. 

While face-to-face interactions are essential, even a simple call or text can quickly boost your sense of well-being. 

8. Connect With Nature

Getting out in nature brings various mental health benefits, including higher mood, lower stress, and enhanced attention. It can also help you cope with anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. 

Research suggests that nature has these effects because it inspires a sense of awe. In addition, many nature-based activities include exercise and socialization, which are also essential to your mental health.

9. Limit Social Media

Spending too much time on social media may increase feelings of stress and isolation. It could also worsen pre existing mental health concerns, especially if you read a lot of distressing news or compare yourself to others. 

Keep track of how much time you spend on social media, and avoid apps or sites that bring negative feelings. 

10. Volunteer

Volunteering can strengthen your mood and self-esteem by giving you a sense of purpose. It can also make you more grateful for what you have. 

Moreover, when you volunteer for a cause or organization you truly care about, you can develop friendships with people who share your values. 

11. Avoid Substance Misuse

Some people use drugs to numb stress, grief, and other mental health concerns. While drugs may temporarily make you feel better, they only worsen your mental health in the long run. Avoid illegal drugs, and only use prescription drugs as prescribed by a doctor. 

Also, note that females should have no more than one alcoholic drink per day, and males should have no more than two drinks per day. The less you drink, the better. 

12. Go On An Adventure

Isolation and boredom can take a serious toll on your mental health. If life seems dull, try an adventurous activity, such as hiking, camping, or kayaking. You could also take a trip to a place you’ve never been before. 

13. Take Time To Relax

Many people have poor mental health because they never let themselves relax. Every week, schedule time for stress-relieving activities, such as reading, taking a long bath, or listening to music. 

While these activities might seem unproductive, they’re extremely important to your emotional well-being. 

14. Go To Therapy

If you practice self-care but still struggle with your mental health, consider therapy. A mental health professional can help you set goals, improve your sense of worth, and change unhelpful beliefs and behaviors. They can also teach you coping skills that meet your personal needs. 

15. Attend A Support Group

When battling a mental health concern, you might feel isolated and misunderstood. In a mental health support group, you can discuss your experiences with people who understand. You can also learn valuable coping tips and form lasting friendships. 

If you or someone you love struggles with poor mental health, please reach out to Ohio Recovery Center. Our board-certified healthcare providers offer personalized, evidence-based care to help you or your loved one thrive.

  1. American Psychological Association Nurtured by nature
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention How Much Sleep Do I Need?
  3. Harvard Health Publishing How much water should you drink?
  4. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Drinking Levels Defined
  5. National Institutes of Health Practicing Gratitude
  6. National Institute of Mental Health Caring for Your Mental Health
  7. University of California, Berkeley Why Is Nature So Good for Your Mental Health?

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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