The Dangers Of Fake OxyContin Pills In Ohio
Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS
Fake OxyContin pills in Ohio may contain lethal doses of fentanyl, a strong synthetic opioid. You can use fentanyl test strips to prevent taking a lethal dose of fake oxycodone.
Fake OxyContin pills in Ohio may contain fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid that can be up to 100 times stronger than prescription opioids. Accidentally ingesting high doses of fentanyl can lead to a life-threatening opioid overdose.
Local and federal health organizations such as the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Ohio Department of Health have declared fake pills laced with fentanyl a public health concern in 2021 and 2022.
Fake pills can look and feel identical to legitimate OxyContin pills.
Lab testing from the DEA reports that about sixty percent of fake prescription pills seized by law enforcement contained a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl. Counterfeit prescription opioid pills likely contribute to a significant percentage of drug overdose deaths in Ohio.
Counterfeit Prescription Drugs In Ohio
Counterfeit prescription pills in Ohio can reach residents through illegal drug trafficking organizations. Criminal drug networks may sell fake pills through social media or on the street, where they can be accessible to a wide variety of Ohio residents.
Counterfeit pills may be presented and sold as Adderall, Percocet, OxyContin (oxy), Xanax and other prescription drugs. A buyer may obtain these substances expecting a different substance, while being unaware of its actual contents.
Dangers Of Counterfeit Oxycodone Pills
The lethal dose of fentanyl can be about three milligrams of fentanyl on average, which can look like several grains of salt. Fake pills laced with fentanyl may contain more than this amount, and can be ingested without a buyer knowing.
Signs of a fentanyl overdose from taking fake prescription pills may include:
- respiratory depression (trouble breathing)
- weak pulse
- clammy skin
- blue lips or fingernails
- loss of consciousness
- gurgling noises while unconscious
Naloxone can be given to opioid overdose victims to restore breathing and prevent an otherwise fatal overdose. Naloxone may be available through Project DAWN, an Ohio naloxone distribution program.
Avoiding Fake Oxycodone Pills In Ohio
Fake oxycodone pills in Ohio may contain fentanyl that you are unable to see, smell, or taste. However, other factors can determine whether you are buying authentic oxycodone or dangerous illicit drugs.
If you are buying prescription drugs from an unapproved provider, or the prescription drugs are not sold in approved packaging or amounts, you may be purchasing dangerous illegal drugs.
Harm reduction programs in Ohio can also offer fentanyl test strips, which can allow buyers to find out if their pills contain a deadly dose of fentanyl.
Substance use disorder can be a long-term mental health effect of taking fake oxycodone pills, due to the high doses of fentanyl present. To learn about our opioid addiction treatment options, please contact Ohio Recovery Center.
- Cleveland19 — Ohio authorities warn of fake Xanax, Oxycontin pills containing fentanyl
- Department of Justice — Heroin and Opioid Awareness
- Drug Enforcement Administration — One Pill Can Kill
- Ohio Department of Health — Warning:Dangerous Counterfeit Prescription Tablets Found in Ohio
- Ohio Department of Public Safety — Ohio Narcotics Intelligence Center Warns of Dangerous Counterfeit Prescription Tablets Found in Ohio