Washington County, Ohio Drug Rehab & Addiction Services

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on May 5, 2023

Washington County Ohio has few locally available drug rehab centers outside of Marietta. Residents who would like to enroll in a professional rehab program can choose inpatient detox and rehabilitation at the Ohio Recovery Center in Van Wert.

Since 2019 more than a dozen Washington County residents have died from opiate, stimulant, alcohol, and combination drug overdoses each year. Many more are being saved by emergency personnel and ordinary citizens equipped with the opiate rescue medication Narcan.

Several drug and alcohol treatment services operate in Washington County, which are overseen by the Washington County Behavioral Health Board (WCBHB) in accordance with Ohio state law.

Alternatively, residents can participate in rehabilitation programs outside of the county, including the leading inpatient detoxification and treatment services hosted by Ohio Recovery Center.

Substance Abuse Resources In Washington County, Ohio 

The WCBHB plans, maintains, and reviews all mental health services and addiction treatment programs in their jurisdiction to best serve the residents of Washington County. This includes the provision of a variety of resources you can find listed on the WCBHB website, including:

To access professional treatment providers, you can either contact the Board directly or use either the SAMHSA national helpline or the online behavioral health locator.

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Ohio Recovery Center

If you’re looking for an accredited drug or alcohol addiction treatment program to help you or your loved one, Ohio Recovery Center is here for you. We’re an evidence-based substance abuse treatment facility located in Van Wert, Ohio, around four hours northwest of Marietta.

We offer a safe, comfortable, and supportive residential setting where our clinicians can help you with proven, personalized, and evidence-based interventions, including:

  • inpatient medical detoxification
  • short- and long-term inpatient treatment
  • dual diagnosis treatment
  • medication-assisted treatment
  • aftercare support

Washington County Substance Use & Overdose Data

Washington County reported 17 overdose deaths in 2021, 16 in 2020, and 8 in 2019. From 2015-2020, the county had the 57th lowest rate of age-adjusted accidental overdoses in the state at 25.9/100,000 (compared to 37.4 for Ohio overall).

According to the State of Ohio Integrated Behavioral Health Dashboard, 15 of the 17 deaths in 2021 were linked to opioid abuse, with one of these also linked with cocaine abuse and 9 others linked with methamphetamine (or other non-cocaine psychostimulant) abuse.

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options In Washington County, Ohio

According to SAMHSA, there are at least two outpatient substance abuse providers and one residential detoxification/addiction treatment center treating patients in Marietta.

Common treatment services that may be recommended to you through these or other alcohol and drug treatment providers include:

Medical Detox

When you first stop using drugs or alcohol, you may experience temporary drug cravings, sleep problems, or depression, along with potentially severe and dangerous withdrawal symptoms like hallucinations, seizures, and suicidal impulses.

Because of these risks, it is strongly recommended that those seeking treatment for alcohol or drug addiction begin their recovery journey by participating in an inpatient or outpatient detox program.

Inpatient Treatment Programs

Inpatient treatment is highly recommended for those with severe forms of substance use disorder, including those with co-occurring mental health disorders and those who have previously relapsed.

In an inpatient program, you participate in a personalized and highly intensive treatment plan likely featuring individual and group therapy, behavioral therapies, family therapy, and alternative therapies. Dual diagnosis care for co-occurring disorders may also be provided.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

Outpatient services are an ideal option for many people at many different stages in the recovery process, including those who have already completed inpatient drug or alcohol rehab.

Outpatient programs are widely available and are commonly offered in a range of different intensities, allowing you to receive the level of care that’s right for you while you continue to live at home and maintain your other personal responsibilities.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

If you’re living with opioid or alcohol addiction you may benefit from a medication-assisted treatment program that incorporates both counseling and the use of FDA-approved medications like methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone.

While MAT is not a cure for substance use disorder, it has been demonstrated to be effective in supporting the recoveries of many who rely on it.

Payment Options Accepted In Washington County, Ohio

While many treatment centers work hard to keep their services as widely accessible as possible, the types of payment that different organizations accept will vary.

Some of the most common payment options available in and around Washington County include:

  • cash or personal check
  • private health insurance benefits
  • government insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare)
  • local, state, or federal grants and other funding

To confirm your insurance benefits and explore available inpatient addiction treatment options, please contact Ohio Recovery Center today.

  1. Data Ohio — State of Ohio Integrated Behavioral Health Dashboard https://data.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/data/view/ohio-ibhd
  2. Ohio Department of Health — 2020 Ohio Drug Overdose Data: General Findings https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/wcm/connect/gov/6a94aabe-ea77-4c01-8fd8-2abdd83b4ff8/2020%2BUnintentional%2BDrug%2BOverdose%2BAnnual%2BReport.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_K9I401S01H7F40QBNJU3SO1F56-6a94aabe-ea77-4c01-8fd8-2abdd83b4ff8-o2GcAjB
  3. Washington County Behavioral Health Board (WCBHB) — Our Guiding Principles https://wcbhb.org/

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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