Lorain, Ohio Alcohol & Drug Rehab Services

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on December 6, 2022

Residents in Lorain, Ohio, have several local options for outpatient care as well as access to an inpatient and outpatient drug/alcohol rehab center. Loraine residents can also travel to Van Wert for inpatient addiction treatment services hosted by Ohio Recovery Center.

From major cities like Columbus, Amherst, and Cleveland to small communities like Lorain, drug abuse and addiction present a serious and ongoing issue in the state of Ohio.

Thankfully, there are a variety of personalized, evidence-based treatment options available both locally and regionally to help you and your loved one work towards a lasting recovery.

Available Alcohol & Drug Rehab Services In Lorain, Ohio

Because each individual’s experience with drug abuse, addiction, and withdrawal is unique, several treatment options are available in Lorain County and elsewhere in Ohio.

In the community of Lorain, local treatment programs for substance use disorder include:

  • medical detoxification
  • outpatient, intensive outpatient, and partial hospitalization care for adults and juveniles
  • short-term and long-term residential treatment
  • dual diagnosis treatment
  • medication-assisted treatment
  • peer support groups
  • counseling, including both individual and group therapy
  • aftercare

Medical Detox

Inpatient detox programs are hosted in comfortable treatment facilities where participants are provided with creature comforts and monitored by experienced healthcare professionals.

These professional detox centers can help individuals begin the process of drug or alcohol addiction recovery going through withdrawal in a supportive and medically supervised setting. 

Outpatient Rehabilitation

The greatest advantage of outpatient treatment is the flexibility it offers both providers and participants.

Outpatient services in Loraine are conducted at specialized rehab facilities, but participants are free to commute to treatment sessions while continuing to live at home and, often, fulfill important responsibilities at school or in the workplace.

Outpatient programs vary from non-intensive counseling programs to intensive outpatient services (IOPs) and partial hospitalization programs (PHPs). Some Lorain providers also specialize in caring for adults, teens, children, or women in particular.

Inpatient/Residential Rehab Programs

Residential care, available in both short-term and long-term formats, is generally the most effective form of care available for substance use disorder. This level of care is recommended for those who would most benefit from intensive substance abuse treatment.

Those who participate in an inpatient drug addiction treatment program will continue to live inside a professional drug rehab center 24/7 for an extended period of time while focusing on a variety of personalized treatment interventions.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Those who struggle with drug or alcohol dependency may also face various mental health conditions that contribute to their condition. Dual diagnosis care seeks to address these other factors to improve a patient’s overall recovery and personal wellness.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

FDA-approved medications for MAT like naltrexone and buprenorphine are available through certain treatment providers to help address alcohol use disorder or opioid use disorder in specific ways.

Aftercare Programs

Addiction recovery is a life-long effort. And to support those who have completed their time in inpatient or outpatient care, many addiction services offer continuing support in various forms.

This can range from case management to sober living housing, facilitation of peer support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, and ongoing outpatient therapy.

Paying For Treatment In Lorain, Ohio

Individuals in Loraine can pay for addiction treatment services in a variety of ways, many of which have been specifically established to support those with financial needs.

These options include:

  • the benefits included with your private health insurance
  • health insurance coverage provided through public health insurance marketplaces
  • Medicaid and Medicare
  • sliding-scale payment plans and other forms of private financial assistance
  • fundraising or crowdfunding
  • nonprofit treatment centers

Substance Use Trends & Facts In Lorain, Ohio

In 2020, there were 143 reported drug overdose deaths in Lorain County. In 2021, this figure rose to 147 deaths. As of October 2022, more than 80 residents have died from drug overdose.

The vast majority of these and other nonfatal overdoses were related to opioid drugs, though many overdoses related to alcohol, non-narcotic prescription drugs, and illicit stimulants like methamphetamine were also reported.

Local Lorain, Ohio Substance Use Resources

Lorain County’s Board of Mental Health, Addiction, & Recovery Services is a government office that seeks to create healthy communities by preventing disease, empowering individuals to make better choices, and promoting overall health and wellness

They offer both a crisis hotline and non-emergency phone line that can connect Lorain County residents with meaningful, professional resources related to mental health issues and substance abuse treatment.

Likewise, the national Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers a free, confidential helpline and treatment services locator with detailed information on location-specific treatment providers and the payment options they accept.

Ohio Recovery Center

Ohio Recovery Center is an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facility located in Van Wert, Ohio, around two hours and thirty minutes west of Lorain.

Our experienced staff is proud to support and care for all participants in our programs, providing the highest quality of care through treatment services that include:

  • inpatient drug and alcohol detox
  • inpatient rehabilitation
  • medication-assisted treatment
  • aftercare support

To learn more, please contact our team today.

  1. Lorain County Public Health — Announcements - Drug Overdose Spike Alert https://www.loraincountyhealth.com/announcements/?action=show&id=8255#:~:text=So%20far%20in%202022%20in,see%2C%20smell%2C%20or%20taste
  2. Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County — MHARS Homepage https://mharslc.org/
  3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) — Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/locator

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Ohio Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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