Demerol (Meperidine) Street Value & Prescription Cost

Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on March 23, 2023

How much Demerol costs depends on where you’re located, the amount of competition, and the supply and demand. On average, a single tablet costs $2.50-$6.00 on the street and $1.00-$2.00 with a prescription.

How much Demerol costs depends on whether you get it from a pharmacy or off the street. It also depends on your location as well as a number of other factors. On the street, Demerol is slightly less expensive than other opioids like oxycodone and fentanyl.

Demerol is the brand name for the prescription opioid analgesic meperidine. It’s primarily used to treat chronic pain or severe pain with light sedation. 

Demerol is prescribed when other pain medications haven’t worked. The painkiller works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, increasing serotonin levels, and blocking pain signals in the central nervous system. 

Demerol Street Value

The street price of Demerol differs depending on where you live. If you live in a big city where there are a lot of drug dealers and plenty of competition, the price may be lower. But in the country or in a small town with not as many drug dealers, the price of street drugs can be much higher. 

However, the average street price for a tablet (50-100 mg) of Demerol can range from $2.50- $6.00 dollars. A bottle of 100 tablets will likely sell for around $200-$400

Demerol comes in both tablet and syrup forms but it’s much rarer to find the syrup form on the street. When Demerol is sold on the street, it’s often called “Dillies,” “D,” or “Dust.”

Demerol Prescription Cost

How much Demerol costs when you get it with a prescription through a pharmacy can differ depending on your insurance and the drug manufacturer. Getting a prescription through your healthcare provider is the safest way to use Demerol.

Demerol syrup can range in cost from $2-$11 for a 1 mL vial and about $120-$130 for a 20 mL vial

A bottle of 100 Demerol pills can cost between $100-$200. For ten Demerol tablets, the price can range from $15 to $130. For one 100 mg tablet, the price can be as low as $1-$2.

Factors That Influence The Price Of Demerol

Many factors can determine what the price is for certain drugs. For Demerol, the price on the street depends on a number of different factors, including: 

  • the process of acquiring the drug
  • supply and demand
  • law enforcement capabilities
  • location
  • competition between dealers

Demerol Abuse Potential

Just because Demerol is a prescription drug doesn’t mean it can’t be habit-forming. The DEA and FDA classify the drug as a Schedule II controlled substance, which means it has a high potential for abuse and can lead to physical dependence and substance use disorder. 

Once someone is struggling with Demerol abuse or Demerol addiction, they can end up spending thousands of dollars to satisfy their cravings. 

Beyond the price, addiction and substance abuse also comes with a number of intense side effects, an increased risk of a life-threatening overdose, and the possibility of withdrawal symptoms when you stop using.

Effects Of Demerol Abuse

If you’re abusing Demerol, common side effects may increase in frequency and intensity. Some of the most common side effects include:

  • lightheadedness
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • extreme calm
  • mood changes
  • nausea and vomiting
  • stomach pain
  • constipation
  • dry mouth
  • flushing
  • sweating
  • changes in vision

If you abuse Demerol or other prescription opioids for a substantial amount of time, you’re likely to experience opioid withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation, such as trouble sleeping and intense drug cravings.

Demerol Overdose

The longer you use or abuse Demerol, the higher the risk of a Demerol overdose. The risk also goes up if you mix Demerol with other opioids, benzodiazepines, and other prescription and illicit drugs.

Signs and symptoms of opioid overdose can include:

  • respiratory depression/trouble breathing
  • drowsiness
  • unable to respond or wake up
  • low blood pressure
  • loose, floppy muscles
  • cold, clammy skin
  • slow heartbeat
  • nausea
  • blurred vision
  • dizziness
  • fainting

If you suspect a loved one has overdosed, call 911 immediately. Additionally, if you have naloxone (Narcan) on hand, now is the time to use it.

If you or a loved one live with an opiate/opioid addiction, we can help. At Ohio Recovery Center, our addiction treatment options include medical detox, behavioral therapy, and medication-assisted treatment in an inpatient setting. 

To learn more, please contact us today.

  1. Canadian Medical Association Journal — The street value of prescription drugs
  2. National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus — Meperidine

Written by Ohio Recovery Center Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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